Okay so here's some basic nutritional info that will help you out in the long run. If your trying to bulk up and get some mass on you, the first thing you need to do is get your diet in check. You are looking for a high protein, high carb and medium fat diet.
I would aim to have rouglhly 45-50% of your calories in your diet to be from carbohydrates. Good foods for carbohydrates can be from the following Wholewheat pasta's Wholewheat Breads Potatoes Sweet potatoes Moving on to protein, I would try and aim for about 1.2grams per pound of body weight. Well that's what I use anyway and it works a treat for me.
Let's say a 150lbs male wants to bulk up and gain 20lbs. So the first thing we will do is work out how many calories he needs overall. (weight in lbs) X (17-20). 150 X 20 = 3000kcals So now we add 500cals to your maintaining weight of 3000 which becomes 3500. From this we need to work out how much carbs, fat and protein we need to intake. 1g of Carbs = 4kcal 1g of protein = 4kcal 1g of fat = 9kcal Okay so 45% (carbs) of 3500 = 157g 35% (protein) of 3353 = Now the rest will be fats.
So we have talked about your eating needs, now lets move onto the water intake. I would suggest to intake about 10-12 glasses a day.
Drinking plenty of water will keep you hydrated,feeling fuller all day and also flush out the toxins in your body. It can also help with weight loss too.
Try to eat every 3-3.5 hours, this will make you feel fuller and you wont want to binge out on "Crap foods".
To conclude with the bits of nutritonal info i have given you i would say that all you need to do to sucessfully gain some serious mass is get your diet in check ASAP.
Work out your daily macro need's and stick to it. Dont worry if you overeat on carbs or protein one day, this can be a good thing if your trying to bulk up. If your trying to bulk up never under eat on your macros.
Remember to always drink enough water each day also as this will keep you hydrated whilst training.
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